Stakeholder Engagement


The Fishers Peak State Park Master Plan team is committed to engaging the public, both locally and statewide, through a number of different ways. The team developed a robust engagement plan to ensure all voices are heard and the input received is an important cornerstone in Master Plan development. Input received will inform partner discussions and decision-making for the Park.

Public/Community Meetings

The Master Plan Project Team has held two virtual community engagement sessions and one in-person open house. The sessions were well attended and the meeting recordings and associated materials can be viewed here. Additionally, a community survey was distributed in June 2021 and received over 500 responses from throughout the state (A summary of survey results can be viewed here). At any time, the public can engage with the project team and provide their thoughts, comments, and ideas by visiting the project website and submitting a comment form.

Interest Group Discussions

The Project Team posted a call for interest group participation in January 2021. Over 100 governmental and non-governmental organizations and businesses signed up to participate in the discussions and represent their constituents over 15 different interest group sessions in March and April 2021. Session topics included a wide range of conversations from natural resources,  recreation, education, DEI, economic impact, and emergency services. These groups will be engaged throughout subsequent phases of the project. A summary of the Interest Group discussions can be viewed here.

Tribal Engagement

As part of the Fishers Peak State Park master plan process, CPW is actively working with several Native American tribes that have an interest in the property or the surrounding region.  This tribal consultation was initiated in October 2020, and is being conducted in collaboration with the Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs and the Fisher Peak State Park master planning team.  Input and ideas that are provided by the tribes will be incorporated into the master plan, development decisions, and long-term stewardship.

This graphic shows where the various engagement opportunities fall in the process and how input will fit into the overall timeline of the Master Plan.

Schedule and Process Updated 3.17.21.jpg